Ein Geschenk von Don

Ebikon, 20. Dezember 2019 – Da hat uns Don ein wunderbares Email geschickt – mit einem Geschenk. Lest selber.

Hier das Email von Don:

Dear Ulrike, Peter and Hein!
I am emailing to give you a gift out of how much I appreciate all of you there and your support of me.  
The gift is a short and simple online course I created for InsightTimer.com. It consists of 10 segments, only 10-15 minute per segment. You probably know that Insight Timer is a website and an app that is the #1 spirituality and meditation app in the world and the course was well received there. More than 2,000 people took the course and it earned a rating of 4.8 out of 5.0.

It’s a good course, but it is in English. The link below is my own private web page for the course so no one will need to sign up with Insight Timer to take it. Please feel free to share the link with anyone you like.
Here’s the link: https://endofstress.podbean.com
Wishing you a peaceful and happy holiday,
Don Joseph Goewey
